Journey with me as I ever so slowly attempt to run 50 races in 50 states by the time I am 50...

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Texans, Sun/Sand, and Cheese

Whew - this is by far the latest post I've ever done. Almost one full year late. And three at a time! Oh boy. My kids need to choose a new word to describe me (currently, the words are "fast" and "clean." (Clean is still true.)

I'm so behind (on the blog - I'm actually doing quite well staying on top of my 50 in 50 count) that I need to bust through these three as best I can. They are unrelated and it might not be my best post, but here goes.

It'll be like a triathlon of blogging.

Let me first take you back to December 2015. Donald Trump proves he's unfit to be president by calling for a ban on Muslims entering the US (please vote!) Star Wars the Force Awakens comes to theaters. And I travel to Houston, TX for a mini reunion with some of my favorite people.

Love these women! (kids, spouses, and dogs not pictured but also loved)

This race (Trifigura Run for the House 5K) included my smallest running buddy to date, Emily's youngest son. No pictures here, but believe me, he's a cutie. He insisted on getting out of his stroller and toddling along with his mom for almost 2 whole miles!

Here's his older bro, champion card tower builder:

It was great to see my people, building new memories while also reminiscing about our good times at Highlands.

Now let's shoot forward about 6 months to August 2016. Basically, it was hot. And Steve and I took the little guys to Ocean City, Maryland. While there, we swung up to Delaware for viking mini golf (obviously) and a 5K (Eli's first!)

Working on that perfect viking shot
Off we go!

The race in Dewey Beach was my first 50 in 50 race with the kids and it was an awesome experience. It was a crazy hot day so neither kiddo was able to run the whole thing, but I was so proud of them for doing what they could. I never would have done that at their age!

Anna with her post-race donut and Eli with his age group award

Okay, time to speed ahead a few more months to the present. What a lovely place to be. Leaves are changing, the cool air is perfect for getting outside. And nothing says fall like a trip to Wisconsin for cheese and a trail run.

So many cheeses!

The race itself was in Lodi (45 minutes north of Madison) and it was beautiful - similar to my run in West Virginia but much less painful. In part because I was more prepared (now that I knew what trail runs were actually like) and in part because it was shorter (8 miles) and had less rocky terrain. I was determined to enjoy it and not make the same mistakes I had made on previous trail runs (burning out too quickly) so I walked up most of the hills - and still finished at around 9 and a half minute miles! Not too shabby for 8 miles of trails.

Pre-race. It was seriously cold. I'm not the crazy one.

It was also a great weekend with good friends - Madison, WI is a cool city. I definitely recommend it. And this race. And while staying at our Airbnb I got to introduce my good friend Patti to my new favorite show.

The QT with my girl was even better than the post-race party

Well, that's it for now, y'all - don't forget to donate here and as always, keep running!

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