There was never any doubt in my mind that completing a race in Oklahoma meant incorporating some sort of Team Friends reunion.
Team Friends is a really cool name for me and my four best friends from my time in AmeriCorps*NCCC. I'd love to tell you all about it, but that would take another blog. Or book. Or at least picture collage. Just know it was one of the best years of my life, with some of my all time favorite people. I talked a little bit about it before, here. If you or someone you know wants to spend a year in service as a young adult, check it out here.
Anyway, the whole crew couldn't make it for this reunion but Jake and I decided to take a trip to see Kara and her little Team Friend Jr. (my first time meeting her!) in Tulsa.
After the best airport pick-up ever...
Jake and I wasted no time finding euphoria in candy form.

So, we also decided to drink. I mean, run. The McNellie’s Pub Run was perfect for both.
Kara, of course, was our fashion expert for the race and made sure we matched with bandanas and plaid skirts. Even Jake was game.
I was happy with my time (4 miles in 31:12), and even happier with the company. The course ran through downtown Tulsa, which was a great way to see the city, and ended with a block party, which was the beginning of the end (the ultimate end being Caitlin falling asleep in a car, and later being force fed donuts. I'm not complaining.).
We of course also took time to take lots of stupid pictures.
Next time, you guys, next time.
Keep running! And donate to kiva here.
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